Saturday, April 20, 2013

Honoring All Areas of Life Leads to Being Stress Free

Saturday, April 20, 2013 - 10:30 PM - Day 28 of new blog

One of the practices of the Living Stress Free® Wellness Program is to look at all eight areas of your life and see if you are honoring and attending to each area. It is easy to ignore some of our natural human needs because we are overly focused on only certain areas.

To illustrate the technique I will share how I'm doing with my areas:

Physical Health:
Doing great. I had another "fasting day" today as part of my alternate-day-fast diet. Kept to the 400 calories and felt great. I also worked out at the gym. I've been getting a decent amount of sleep and keeping healthy.

Mental Health:
My daily meditation practice has a significant effect on my ability to stay fully present, accept things as they come and respond to life instead of reacting to it. My concentration and creativity is doing great as well.

Doing my best to show those around me that I support and care. Planning a trip to visit my parents in June:))

I focus on this daily and find it to be an area that keeps my balance and increases my love for the rest of the areas in my life.

My balance gets off here because I tend to over-contribute. Today it was balanced though.

I am learning new things everyday and have a list of items to explore on the internet on a weekly basis.

I tend to let this area go and not prioritize it. With the weather getting warmer that will hopefully change.

The idea is to increase awareness of the tendency to over-focus in certain directions leading to imbalance. It is healthiest to live spherically.

If you are interested in learning more about this concept, here's a link.Eight Areas of LIfe

See you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I forgot prosperity!
    Must mean something ..... ;)
