Monday, April 15, 2013

Tips on Diet and Exercise

Monday, April 15, 2013 - 7:00 PM - Day 23 of new blog

Today is my first Fast-Day for my alternate-day-fasting-lose-weight-plan:))

It was extra easy because I had to stay home sick today from work which made it easier to eat meagerly and rest.

I had a small bowl of lentil soup, fruit, a handful of nuts and various vitamin-based liquids. It's all good.

During my resting today I watched an hour-long special on exercise that was on PBS:

Here's the Link

It was quite interesting!

The general idea of the film was to scientifically demonstrate how we get better results from spurts of high intensity exercise output (one minute duration, for example) than a steady paced walk for an hour. This means we don't have to exercise as long as we were led to believe.

In addition, they discussed Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis - N.E.A.T.

Here's a Link

This principle states that we can add "movement" to our day, throughout the day, whenever we think of it.


It is true we are a sedentary society and many of us sit in chairs all day for work.
I certainly do!
I meet with my clients sitting, I do my paperwork sitting, I take care of phone calls sitting ...

Practicing N.E.A.T. would be as easy as walking around the building between appointments, marching in place while I listen to music doing my notes or walking the dogs more often (they would LOVE that!)

As for my exercise routine, I do enjoy my 45-60 minute walk/jogs because it destresses my mind and body. It helps my food digest too. I think I'll add a sprint-run to my normal regiment. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow;)

That's it for now. Hope these ideas inspire you too!

See you tomorrow,


  1. Sexy..very sexy, having a sexy body with perfect fit and increase your self confident.

    Thanks for the tips and God Bless!

    troy fitness click here

  2. Thank You!!!! Blessings and peace ...
