Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ways to Diminish Desire

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 10:30 PM - Day 17 of new blog

It's interesting to observe the difference between how I feel when I'm reacting to my life and how I feel when I'm calmly responding to it.

Lately I've been calmly responding to it:)))


I'm experiencing inner silence every day in my meditation practice and I'm more attentive to "flowing through the day" because of this blog! 

I write suggestions and tips each day which reinforces my own practice of them.

One of my recent realizations is about desire. 
When I'm feeling my worst - miserable, depressed, disheartened - it's usually because of one common theme. I'm desiring something I wish I had, a circumstance I wish would happen, a dream I feel I deserve and resent the fact it's not mine.

All of this is based on desire. 
The yogic scriptures describe desire as "poison", and I can see why. It does no good and leads us astray. It is destructive and interferes with inner peace, calmness and surrender. It fools us over and over again.

However, human beings are defined by their desires. It's part of our natural experience on this earth.

My solution?

"Keep your feet on the ground and your eye on the prize".

Focus on the task at hand. Fully experience what you are doing; then do the next task.

Stay fully present, experience the NOW as often and as consistently as possible.

Someone told me recently, go through the day on autopilot. Don't think about what you are doing - just do it.

This is the antidote to desire.

Have a peaceful night,

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